Olympus dss player pro customer service
Olympus dss player pro customer service

Hence, no further updates are being provided by Olympus.

olympus dss player pro customer service

Product Guide.Įnd of Support of Olympus DSS Player Pro R5 Since January 2016 the Olympus DSS Player Pro R5 is not supported by Olympus anymore. If you own any of these products, please check the serial number using the following link: Lists of products and serial number. Since January 2016 the Olympus DSS Player Pro R5 is not supported by Olympus anymore. I have recently upgraded by PC and on reinstalling all my programs discovered that i no longer had the serial number for my Olympus. That means that as of 1st April 2019 ODMS R6 will not be supported or updated anymore by Olympus.

olympus dss player pro customer service

Olympus Dictation Management System (ODMS R6) will be reaching the end of its product lifecycle on the 31st March 2019.

Olympus dss player pro customer service